Painting a tragic timeline: Jesse Raudales documents current events
Governor Wes Moore and Jesse Raudales
At the State House, I, along with Carl Snowden, presented Maryland Governor Wes Moore with a portrait. Fun fact about Governor Moore and Jesse Raudales - both of us have Cuban ancestry. The first Latino Olympic artist for the United States honoring the first African-American Governor for the state of Maryland. In my Ice Cube voice... "I gotta say it was a good day." #Dawn Flythe Moore #Chesapeake Arts Center #The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County #Aruna Miller #jesseraudales #governorwesmoore
Speaker at Theodore Roosevelt High School
Jesse Raudales Theodore Roosevelt High School
Jesse Raudales Guest speaker at Fike High School, Wilson NC
Carrie Maravi Fike Fike High School Jesse Raudales
I was so excited and honored to be speaking at Fike High School today! Thank you Mrs.Carrie Maravi is the Best!!! #jesseraudales #fike #carriemaravi
Jesse Raudales Guest Speaker at Motgomery Blair High School
Jesse Raudales Guest Speaker at Motgomery Blair High School Motgomery Blair High School
17th Maryland Hispanic Business Conference
At the 17th Maryland Hispanic Business Conference - 9/23/2022 with Angel Nunez, Angela Alsobrooks, Joseline Pena Melnyk Adriana Lee Javier N. Solis Dawn Flythe Moore Wes Moore Luis E. Borunda Sandra Carolina Seldes Brooke E. Lierman Yuripzy Morgan Marco V. Ávila and Pedro A. Palomino